Sunday, November 05, 2006

Congratulations to Jared and Rebecca!! As soon as I heard the news I just had to have a satsuma to calm myself down. Mummy and Daddy are excited too, and can't wait until Christmas when they hope to see them both. Although the news is ace, do not let it detract from my interesting and fascinating life. I have been learning to stand up on my own. I don't think it will be long before I am walking, and my plans to wreck the house are slowly coming to fruition. That is why you see me ruining a perfectly good satsuma - this is pure mindless vandalism as even I can't eat the skin. Anyway, sorry it's been so long since the last Blog. I promise to keep in touch more frequently. Love, Herbert xxx

Jared and Rebecca are getting married! Anyone got a sailor suit?
it's true they have....
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